The Leo Carrillo Junior Lifeguard Program is happy to be offering multiple options for the summer of 2025. There will be one 1-week surf session available and two 3-week Junior Guard Sessions available. Please only sign up for one Junior Guard session so we can accommodate as many families as possible.
2025 Registration will open April 19th at 10 am. To prepare your family make sure you are registered through reserve California and add your JG as a dependent.
(links will be active on April 19th at 10:00 am)
Session 1 June 23- July 11 $550
Session 2 July 14- August 1 $550
Surf Camp August 4- 8 $250
Feel free to email me at Robyn.Doler@parks.ca.gov
Excited to see you on the beach soon!
- Robyn and Instructors
The Leo Carrillo Junior Lifeguard Program is currently offering one surf session and two Junior Lifeguard sessions.
Junior Lifeguard Session 1: June 23- July 11, 2025 (no JGs July 4th), $550
Junior Lifeguard Session 2: July 14- August 1, 2025, $550
Surf Session 2023: August 4- 8, tuition $250
Sibling Assistance; There will be a $25 sibling discount for each additional sibling!
Regular Program Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Exceptions to normal program hours will be announced.
California State Parks and the Junior Lifeguard Program are not responsible for students outside of scheduled program hours and activities. Parents are responsible for their children immediately prior to and immediately following scheduled Program hours. *Please do not park in handicapped parking, red zones, double park, or leave car unattended in a loading zone or turn around point when picking up or dropping off children.
The Leo Carrillo Junior Lifeguard Program and Surf Camp is held on the beach in front of the North beach day-use parking lot at Leo Carrillo State Beach, approximately one mile south of the Ventura County Line. See pinned location here.
Refund Policy
If a participant fails to pass the swim test, a full Enrollment Fee refund will be issued.
If a participant must cancel for any reason prior to 7 calendar days of the start date of the session a $50.00 Enrollment cancellation fee will apply.
If a participant must drop out of the training for any reason within 7 calendar days before or after the session has started a 50% Enrollment Fee refund will be issued. For programs less than 7 days in length no refund will be issued after the program has begun.
If a participant must drop out of the training after 7 calendar days of the start date of the training no refund will be issued.
If a participant is injured while participating in the training a pro-rated Enrollment Fee refund will be issued based on the number of training days that were started.
No refund will be issued to any participant that is suspended or expelled from training for disciplinary reasons.
There is no refund for uniform items.
There is no refund for the Registration Fee.
Age Requirements
The age requirement for Junior Lifeguards and Surf Sessions is 9 to 15 years of age on the first day of instruction. Although some instruction takes place as one large group the students are divided into three groups for the duration of the program. The groups are primarily based on age; but size, strength, ability, and confidence are also considered. Generally, 14-15 year olds are in the “A” group, 12-13 year olds are “B’s”, 9-11 year olds are “C’s. Note: A child may be moved into a different group only at the Coordinator’s discretion.
Enrollment / Tryout
Enrollment in the Junior Lifeguard Program and Surf Camp is “first come - first served.” Due to the popularity of the programs, enrollment is expected to fill to capacity quickly. Students are considered enrolled in a program when applications are complete and fees are paid in full, receipts are issued automatically after payment online. Enrollment is limited in the 1- week Surf Session to 50 participants and to 100 participants in the 3- week Junior Guard Sessions.
The Junior Lifeguard Program is not a “learn to swim” school. Therefore, prospective participants are screened at a tryout to see if they have the minimum skills needed to safely participate in and benefit from the Junior Lifeguard Program. The instructors approve a child's skill level based upon successful completion of the test as well as the child's swimming competence and confidence. We reserve the right to refuse admittance if it is felt a student will adversely affect the safety and welfare of themselves and or others in the program. All new students must successfully complete the testing process to be eligible for the program (NO EXCEPTIONS).
The application for Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance Information
Malibu High School Pool
May 17th, 3:30-5:30
May 31st, 3:30-5:30
*Contact coordinator at robyn.doler@parks.ca.gov if you missed both tryouts for further instructions.
Tryout Consist of:
100 yard swim under 3 minutes.
Any stroke may be used.
10 yard underwater swim.
3 minute tread water.
No appointment necessary to tryout. Tryouts do not take 2 hours, drop in when convenient.
Tryouts are waived for returning Junior Lifeguards however all parents must sign the TRYOUT WAIVER on the Junior Lifeguard Application in order to enroll.
The Junior Lifeguard Program is taught by professional State Park Lifeguards and specially-trained support personnel. The Lifeguards have extensive experience and rigorous training in surf and ocean rescue, beach safety, first aid, and CPR and in most cases have many years of grade school and high school teaching and interpretation experience. We have current Instructors that have matriculated through the Junior Guard Program and become professional supervising lifeguards with the State of California.
Volunteer Assistants
We are looking for youths, 15-17 years of age who would like to participate in the Junior Lifeguard Assistant Program. Previous Junior Lifeguard experience, strong ocean swimming skills, and maturity are required. Volunteer Assistants are a valued and integral part of our program and help Instructors with beach set up, equipment management, student supervision and safety. Assistant hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday with the last hour set aside for learning Lifeguard-specific job skills and training. All program fees are waived and assistants accumulate volunteer hours within the State Park System. Tryouts and interviews on Saturday June 14 at 9am, Leo Carrillo North Beach. Tryout consists of a 500 yd ocean swim and a run-swim-run after a short break. After drying off there will be a quick interview. Applicants must also be able to attend the training June 16-18 (Monday- Wednesday).
Being a Junior Lifeguard Assistant has successfully prepared young people for Seasonal Lifeguard employment and has helped produce some of the finest lifeguards and JG instructors in the state. Interested youths should email Robyn.Doler@parks.ca.gov as soon as possible.
Attendance is taken twice daily. Regular attendance is encouraged and will allow students to fully benefit from the program. Please notify us if your child will be absent.
Junior Lifeguard Daily Itinerary / Requirements
All JG's need to report in uniform to Leo Carrillo State Beach by 9:30 am and leave the beach at 2 p.m.
9:30 - 9:45 ROLL CALL
(roll call, announcements, notes from parents, remove beach hazards, sunscreen application, etc.)
9:45-10:30 EXERCISE
(stretching, warm-ups, calisthenics, sit-ups, jumping-jacks, push-ups, beach runs, buoy swims)
(daily lecture topics include ocean safety, first aid, environmental awareness, ocean recreation, etc.)
12:00 - 12:30 LUNCH (bring your own lunch to eat on beach, sealed container)
12:30 - 1:45 RECREATION
(beach games, ocean recreation, safe use of soft surf-boards, boogie boards, & JG equipment)
(pick up all trash, personal belongings, help clean & put away all JG equipment, catch bus)
Parents and guardians are responsible for their children after 2:00 pm as there is no supervision beyond programmed hours!
*Note: This is a sample itinerary only and these activities may be shuffled occasionally to accommodate other events.
Surf Camp Daily Itinerary
All Surf Campers need to report to Leo Carrillo State Beach by 9:30 am and have parent supervision by 2 p.m.
9:30 - 9:45 ROLL CALL
(roll call, announcements, notes from parents, remove beach hazards, sunscreen application, etc.)
9:45-10:30 EXERCISE
(stretching, warm-ups, calisthenics, sit-ups, jumping-jacks, push-ups, beach runs)
12:00 - 12:30 LUNCH (bring your own lunch to eat on beach, sealed container)
12:30 - 1:45 RECREATION
(pick up all trash, personal belongings, help clean & put away all JG equipment)
Parents and guardians are responsible for their children after 2:00 pm as there is no supervision beyond programmed hours!
*Note: This is a sample itinerary only and these activities may be shuffled occasionally to accommodate other events.
JG’s are expected to participate in all activities!!!! Students should be on time, in full uniform, and prepared for a full day on the beach (i.e.: sand, sun, fog, cold weather, cold water, exercise, lectures, etc.). Parents should be aware that rigorous physical exercise and ocean swims are a daily part of the program and an integral aspect of lifesaving. Refusal to participate may result in removal from the program. If a student is unable to participate in certain activities, the student should provide a note (from a parent or guardian) to their Instructor first thing in the morning. Exercise and activities will vary for the children depending on their age, size, strength, ability, confidence level, and ocean conditions. If you have questions, please contact the Coordinator or one of the Instructors.
JG’s should bring the following items to the beach daily:
• Uniform (JG t-shirt & navy blue swimsuit) required
• Sun protection (sunscreen, hat, etc…) highly recommended
• Foot protection (sandals, shoes, booties, etc.) highly recommended
• Large lunch (sack lunch and lots of drinking water) highly recommended
• Back pack & towel (bird/squirrel proof) highly recommended
• Swim fins (optional)
• Wetsuits (spring suits OK) are exceptionally useful during cold water periods and highly recommended for the Surf Camp
• Positive & enthusiastic attitude required!!!
Parent/guardians are responsible for transportation to and from the beach each day. Carpool list will be distributed to those who have expressed interest on their registration prior to the start of their session. Parking Passes will be handed out on the first day of the session. Unfortunately, due to beach erosion our lot can not accommodate the Agoura Beach bus anymore.
We require students to wear a uniform for safety and team camaraderie. The uniforms allow Instructors to safely monitor the children and distinguish them from non-Junior Guard beach visitors. Junior Guards must wear the required uniform in order to participate in the program. Surf Campers do not need uniform items but they need to wear an appropriate suit and we highly recommend a wetsuit for prolonged water activity. The required uniform is a red t-shirt with the Junior Lifeguard logo and or a red rash guard (both included in course fees) and a solid Navy blue swimsuit. Uniforms are picked up on the first day of instruction.
Optional /Recommended Uniform Items: Red hooded JG sweatshirt (available for purchase the first day of the program), hats, Sun screen, short sleeve spring suit (wetsuit), additional JG t-shirts, *Note: Please write your child’s name on his or her uniform and all other personal gear. We are not responsible for lost or misplaced items.
Cost of Uniform Items (Tax included):
• Extra red t-shirts with JG logo $15
• Red hooded sweatshirt with JG logo $35
• Extra Red rash guards $20
Sweatshirts and extra t-shirts can also be purchased online at: https://www.bonfire.com/store/leo-carrillo-junior-lifeguards/
We also use OriginalWatermen.com for uniform items.
Junior Lifeguard Instructors are distinguished from Assistants and students by the official California State Park Lifeguard uniform red swim trunks/swimsuits and Lifeguard patch, a navy blue t-shirt and navy blue jacket with the official California State Park Lifeguard emblem and Yellow “Instructor” rash guards.
Special Accommodations
Prospective students desiring special accommodations or services under the Americans with Disabilities Act must notify the Program supervisor at least sixty (60) days prior to the start of the Program, or as soon as reasonably possible.
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy
The California State Junior Lifeguard Program admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights and privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the program. The state does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, scholarships, athletic and other program-administered programs.